TechyK Content Requirements

In addition to TechyK’s Content Policy, contributors must also follow these requirements:

Each article must:

An article’s title plays an incredibly important role in determining whether or not that article will rank well (or appear at all) in search engine results. Successful titles…
a. Are short and descriptive (fewer than 65 characters)
b. Mirror common search terms / keywords (things people would type into Google when conducting searches on your article’s subject)
c. Provide information that cannot easily be found elsewhere online (admit it—you’re not the only one to publish an apple pie recipe)
d. Are bolstered by content provided by someone who is passionate or knowledgeable about the subject at hand

1. Be at least 1000 words or more

The quality and informational value of an article will also determine how well it ranks in search engine results. Generally speaking, we recommend composing articles that…
a. Are at least 800 words long, though we suggest shooting for 1150-1,500 words for a better chance of success.
b. Contain at least three related, high-resolution, properly used and attributed images

2. Include at least three related, high-resolution images

All articles must include at least one image that is relevant to the content. All multimedia must be owned by you or you must have obtained permission to use the media if the multimedia is not free for everyone to use without any restrictions. Every image, including images taken by the contributor, must include a credit to the source. Images on our platform, at a minimum, need to be 201 x 201 pixels.

3. Include a headline

Every article needs a factually-correct headline that is directly related to the content in the article (no clickbait). The article should be free from grammatical and spelling errors and cannot include links. Please do not use ALL CAPS.

4. Be free of distracting formatting

Formatting choices should be made with the user in mind. Formatting choices should help guide the reader and not distract or hinder the user’s experience. Contributors should avoid overuse of stylized text features and content should mainly be in regular text.

6. Include a headline and description

Headlines and descriptions help users discover and better understand your videos. Therefore, we ask you to include a relevant headline as well as a description for every video. Headlines and descriptions should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Headlines should be under 100 characters. You should avoid using exaggerated language such as ALL CAPS and/or irrelevant punctuation.

For more information on creating super high-quality articles, review  This Article

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