Content Policy

We look to our contributors and partners for relevant content that enriches lives in connection with Content Policy – TechyK. We emphasize utility and celebrate innovation, aspiration, and compassion. Together with thousands of publishing partners, we tell stories about community concerns that change lives.

Our mutual success requires all of us to adhere to an agreed-upon set of principles, standards, and guidelines. Our commitment to transparency informs our vigilance in fighting disinformation and misinformation. We reject inappropriate efforts by governments, advertisers, and other interested parties to influence our coverage. We eschew political and religious extremism and reject racism and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental illness, disability, serious medical condition, socioeconomic class, or veteran status. We disclose and correct our mistakes.

These policies are part of the broader suite of policies governing your use of our platforms, including our Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy. Failure to comply with the guidelines listed here may result in disciplinary action including decreased distribution or removal from the platform. These policies and guidelines are non-exhaustive, and TechyK reserves the right to remove content or profiles in its sole discretion at any time.

The TechyK Principles:

TechyK is a safe space where people come together to engage with credible and relevant local information and to share their thoughts about it. We hold ourselves and our partners to high editorial standards to ensure our community can trust and rely on what they see on TechyK. In doing so, we aim to help people deepen ties to their communities and foster a greater sense of belonging.

These principles are designed to help foster a healthy, safe environment of authenticity for the TechyK community.


TechyK believes the foundation of a healthy community is credible information. TechyK takes the accuracy of the content on its platform very seriously and prohibits the publication of rumor, hearsay, or unverified information. This applies to all formats across written, video, audio, and still imagery.


Integrity is imperative in establishing trust with our community. TechyK expects publishers and community organizations to provide transparent information to the public about who controls, owns, or provides significant funding to their operations and expects outlets or individuals to retain editorial independence from the influence of owners or funders. Publishers and contributors must be who they say they are.


TechyK expects publishers, contributors, community organizers, and all users to be accountable for all of the information they publish, including what they re-publish, aggregate, quote, or embed. TechyK expects publishers, contributors, or community organizations not to provide information for which they do not have the proper expertise. Publishers and contributors must be clear when something is an opinion.

Unacceptable Behavior

TechyK is a diverse and inclusive community and we have zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind. We do not allow content with discriminatory, defamatory, or derogatory language, especially that which is intended to threaten or incite violence or discriminate against an individual or a group based on race, ethnicity, age, color, caste, national origin, immigration status, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental illness, disability, serious medical condition, socioeconomic class, or veteran status.

We do not allow glorification or promotion of hate groups or the symbols and imagery associated with such movements, as cataloged by reputable organizations.

This policy is not intended to prohibit editorial coverage of newsworthy incidents involving subjects covered in the below as long as it includes relevant context.

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